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Dr George Liangas

BSc(Med) Hons(Paeds) MBBS(UNSW) DCH FRANZCP CertChAdolPsych MPsychiatry MA

Dr George Liangas is a Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist. He provides comprehensive psychiatric assessment for children and adolescents with emotional, developmental or behavioural problems.


Dr Liangas likes to take a broad perspective in the understanding of young people’s mental illness, considering the medical, psychological, social, developmental and family contributors to their presenting problems. He takes a balanced view about medications, considering them cautiously as part of a comprehensive plan and as part of scientifically-proven practice.


Dr Liangas is in private practice two days per week. While he offers comprehensive assessment and ongoing therapy, he cannot provide emergency services or consultations at other times. He does not provide medico-legal assessments/reports.


Dr Liangas has very limited slots for new assessments. To make an appointment, call the practice on 02 9718 5603.

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